Saturday, September 6, 2014

Today Is Not That Day

I know there are approximately a bazillion blog posts about stuff like this, but I wanted to write down some thoughts I've been having lately for my own benefit.

I often find myself thinking things like this:

"Someday I will go an ENTIRE day without anybody else's bodily fluid getting on me. Today is not that day."

"Someday my life will not revolve around nap times. Today is not that day."

"Someday I will go a whole day without sweeping up food my kid dropped on the floor. Today is not that day."

"Someday I will do everything with two hands. Today is not that day."

But then I get to sit with Dean and read stories and play blocks and my thoughts change a little.

"Someday his face won't light up every time he sees me. But today is not that day."

"Someday he won't want to cuddle with me. But today is not that day."

"Someday I won't get to hold him close while I feed him his bottle. But today is not that day."

"Someday clapping and peek-a-boo will lose their wonder. But today is not that day."

"Someday I won't be his favorite person in the world. But today is not that day."

"Someday his feet and hands will stop spinning wildly when he gets excited. But today is not that day."

"Someday he'll be too big for me to carry and spin and flip upside down. But today is not that day."

"Someday I'll go a whole day without hearing him laugh and I will miss it so very much. I'm so glad that today is not that day."