Wednesday, January 29, 2014

3 Months!

Dean hit the big 3 month mark on yesterday. His favorite things are bath time and kicking his legs. And apparently he really, really hates being hungry. I figured out he had been so fussy because he just wasn't getting enough to eat. Apparently my body simply wasn't able to get my milk supply back up post-surgery. We started supplementing with a bottle after each feeding, and he's back to his happy self. He still isn't sleeping quite as good as he was before, but he's doing SO much better than he was for those couple weeks. I've tried doing bedtime at around 7:45. I go in and feed him at around 10 or 10:30 and then he'll wake up at 2-2:30 and then again somewhere between 5 and 6 and then wake up for good around 7:15. I hope to consolidate to one wake up around 3 or 4. That's what he was doing before. Anywho, here is more info and pictures of our handsome boy:

He is pretty pro at sitting (while being supported, of course!). Check out his head control!

He is a SUPER drooly little guy. His shirt will sometimes be soaked to his belly button.

This is a shot of my pants after he did his tummy time across my lap. Holy Toledo!

He LOVES chewing on his hands. I've started swaddling him with one arm out so he can suck on his hand. It works better than a pacifier (because he just knocks the paci out when he tries to chew on his hand anyway).

He hates tummy time. As you can see, I've tried doing it on my lap. I've tried propping him up on the boppy. I do airplane style with him on my shins. I tried it in front of the mirror. I've tried using toys. I've made faces. You name it. But the kid just screams. I'm usually a softie and give up after a minute.

But then today he finally calmed down. In fact, he almost fell asleep, so I had to pick him up and move him to his bed.

We go on walks almost every day. The weather is just so nice right now! He is generally really happy except when the sun gets in his eyes.

I am also a little scared for the future because this kid LOVES to watch TV. He will just stare at it. I hope he doesn't get addicted at the young age of 3 months.

Oh, he's just so handsome!


  1. loved the update. Hopefully, Trevor can figure out the pictures problem. I'd love to see them.

  2. too cute!! are those eyes blue or brown? They almost seem brown in some of the pics.

    1. They're still blue for now. We'll see if they change or not.

  3. We're pulling for blue . . . not that hazel is THAT bad of an eye color. ;)
